2024 MathCS camp a success

Treasure-themed Math and Computer Science camp wraps up another year

2024 MathCS camp group photo

20 children, 4 student leaders, 4 faculty and 2 student assistants participated in the annual Math and Computer Science camp.  The day camp is for children who are going in to Grades 5 and 6.

This year's theme was "Buried Treasure".  Campers learned about data science, programming in Scratch, mathematics and art, logic, lego robots, coordinate systems, latitude, longitude, GPS and geocaching.

Organizers look forward to hosting another camp in 2025.  The camp is usually held in early July.

The camp is made possible with support from the Atlantic Association for Research in Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) and Acadia University, including the School of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics.

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