Math Outreach

Acadia professors and students are involved in several math-related activities for middle and high school students in the area. These activities include:

  • Classroom visits (currently to middle school classes in Wolfville and New Minas)
  • Math Buffet, an after-school event with several interactive mathematical presentations on topics designed to go beyond what students see in high school. Similar to "Math Circles" events organized by Dalhousie University.  In 2023-24, we had Math Buffets in November and March.  Contact for more information.

For the first time in summer 2019, we held a Junior Math and Computer Science Camp. The camp has been held annually since then (except in 2020). See the "Summer Camp" link in the left menu for details about recent and upcoming camps.

We have also been involved in the Math League, a Valley chapter of the NS Math League. These team-based math problem solving competitions took place on three Saturdays over the year, with a provincial championship in the spring. The NS Math League is not currently active.

For more information on math outreach, contact Hugh Chipman.

Acadia is proud to be sponsored by AARMS.